Staying busy

Our time here in WA is speeding by quickly but we’ve very much enjoyed seeing family and spending time together. Here are a few pictures to tell the story.

Sandy helped grandpa Davis clear out the tall grass at the back of the house so grandpa Hulsizer (from Spokane) could drop off the RV that most of us would be staying in during our visit here. Thank you Sandy 🙂

I was able to put a door on grandpa’s shed yesterday. The funny thing about this shed is that I built the walls and roof 14 years ago during a visit. Wes, Chantry’s dad, was supposed to finish it by putting the door on it but never got around to it. So I was able, after all these years, to finish the job!

We’ve so much enjoyed visiting with family. It’s hard to be over 3000 miles away from your loved ones. It makes visits few and far between. So we’re very thankful for this opportunity.

This is my brother Marc, who’s 4 years older than I. He’s deaf and was happy to show off his new shirt, which shows the signs for LOVE. 

Unfortunately I neglected to get a picture of us all together before Marc had to go to work, but here’s a picture of the kids with Michelle, Marc’s wife. Terra and I were able to attend Marc & Michelle’s wedding in Chico, CA in May 2014.
We had a nice dinner Thursday night with my dad and stepmom and my brother Paul and most of his family (Greg, Owen, and Andi missed this photo).

Chantry’s uncle Duane went home to be with the Lord on Apr 11. We’re grateful that the family postponed the memorial service until we could attend. The service will be held today at 2 PM at Christian Life Center in Port Orchard, the Assembly of God church I was attending when I met Chantry in 1988.

After the memorial service we should be heading over to Paul’s house for dinner.

Thank you for your prayers!

Until next time… 🙂

The Donovans

I forgot to add the pictures of our dear friends the Donovans with whom we stayed in Sanborn, IA on the night of the 30th. We’ve known each other for 30 years–since High School–and bless God for our sweet friendship and for many great memories over the years. Karin and I we’re in 11th grade together. Dan went to seminary the same time as I and is a pastor in the United Reformed Church. And their children, Paula, Daniel, and Hadassah, are near in age to ours–although we missed Paula in this visit 🙁 

Our time with them was a blessed reunion. Thanks Dan and Karin! We love you guys. 

Please pray they can come visit us on the Cape next year!

Until next time… 😉

Broke down. 

We broke down in the middle of nowhere-White River, South Dakota. The wheel hub assembly on the front passenger tire went out. I’m grateful to the Lord that it did not go out while driving 80 miles an hour on I-90. I began hearing the scratching sound as we approached Murdo, South Dakota. We pulled over at Murdo to gas up and then headed towards the Badlands. When it started again I pulled over at a repair shop in White River. Please pray for a quick repair. We are waiting for the part to come from a town 30 minutes away. Thank God they had it! 

The town has no hotel or place to stay so we’re just walking around waiting for the part to come and then waiting for a 2 hour repair. The town has just over 500 people and one of the old-timers said you can talk on one end of the town and a person on the other end of town can hear you 🙂

It looks like we’re here for another three hours so we’re gonna walk through town to see if we can’t circle it a few times while we’re waiting.