And off we go again…–by Schylie

It’s Monday evening and time for another update. I’ll work chronologically from Friday to today. Friday was a tough day for the guys. They left Tilamook and rode 45 miles to Rose Lodge, including a 3000 ft climb. The weather was poor, and along with  the increased elevation, they were exhausted. At one point of their climb up a long, steep hill, a car stopped to speak to Daddy on a switchback and as he tried to come to a stop on the narrow shoulder, he fell over into the guardrail. It hurt badly but Daddy was never more thankful for a guardrail. The drop beyond it was several hundred feet to the coast. On another occasion, during a nice easy section of the ride, one of the boys (no names to protect the guilty) yelled for Daddy to check out something cool on the other side of the road. He turned, lost control of his bike, slid off the raised shoulder and crashed–and slid on the pavement–trying to get back on. The slide tore a hole in one of his front panniers and ripped a hole in the knee of his base layer. Next time he’ll check the safety of his own footing before looking away 🙂

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